Can the Next Generation Common Rail Fuel Injection System Really be Applied in 50 Micrometer-diameter Orifice and Bio-diesel...

Can the next generation common rail fuel injection system really be applied in 50 micrometer-diameter orifice and bio-diesel fuel? To answer this question, we will not lead you to “yes” or “no” answer. Rather, we will explain various factors related to this problem.

Injector with 50 micrometer in orifice diameter is a requirement. Why it is needed? Particular mater eliminated in bench tests is carried out by reducing the orifice diameter to be 50 micrometer. Reducing pollutants contained in exhaust gas of diesel engine means to decelerate global warming whose impacts have started to be experienced recent time.

The use of nozzle with 50 micrometer of orifice diameter makes easy clogging at orifice. Two types of fuels used in diesel engine, i.e. fossil fuel and bio fuel that is produced from plants. Fossil fuel is not renewable. It will run out when exploitation is performed from time to time. Whereas demand on fuel is continual. What will happen when fossil fuel run out of? When it runs out, bio fuel will be the alternative. This type of fuel for diesel engine is known as bio-diesel fuel.

Bio-diesel fuel for diesel engine does not mean with no problem. The use of bio-diesel as fuel in diesel engine potentially produces crusts. This crusts will also clog nozzle orifice. Clogging can be slowly produced in all orifices or it immediately occurs at one or several orifices. Such clogging is merely potential. It may not come true. However, anticipation is required when it is really produced.

Castor oil is one of bio-diesel material. Naturally such oil produces crusts when it is exposed to heating. Castor oil may be mixed with additives to prevent heating-caused crusts. However, such a method can be ineffective or it will only reduce the produced crusts. Crusts may still to develop; however, the development process is slow. Of course, this still creates problem.

There are two existing fuel injection system bases, i.e. jerk injection system and pressure accumulation system. The two bases of fuel injection systems have its own benefits and limitations. The earlier is excellent in volumetric stability and clogging throw force. The latter is excellent in pressure stability and multiple injection. The excellence of jerk injection fuel system has limitation in pressure stability and multiple injection. Pressure accumulation fuel injection system has limitation in volumetric stability and throw force on clogging. The next generation common rail fuel injection system we have design is a combination between the excellences of jerk fuel injection system and pressure accumulation. You may draw self conclusion whether fuel injection we have designed, can be applied for orifice with diameter of 50 micrometer and bio diesel fuel or not.

The next future generation common rail injection system we have designed can be successful or unsuccessful applied at the orifice with diameter of 50 micrometer and bio-diesel fuel. When successful, it can decelerate global warming and maintain fuel availability. When it is unsuccessful in the orifice with diameter of 50 micrometer and bio-diesel application, it will not create problem; such an injection system will be tougher with less maintenance compared to the existing common rail injection fuel system.