Hybrid Laptop Power System Design Offerings

Until now, there are two types of personal computers, namely desktop computers which are often referred to as personal computers or even computers and laptops. Desktop computers should always be connected to the power grid when in use, while laptops should not, because laptops have rechargeable batteries. The laptop only needs to be connected to the power grid when charging the battery, and while battery charging the laptop can still be used.

Having a battery on a laptop is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage of having a battery on a laptop makes the laptop can be used without an electrical network, even though the time is limited. The lack of a battery in a laptop, makes users have to think about charging the battery at the right time, plugging in the AC adapter and removing it at the right time. Unlike a desktop computer, you just need to plug the plug into the outlet when you want to use it and remove it when it's not in use.

The slight drawback of a laptop, which has to charge the battery at the right time can be overcome in a less complicated way. By making a laptop can be used like a desktop computer when there is an electricity network available. Something that looks from a laptop like this, there is the addition of an electrical power connector or switch. With this laptop can be used like a desktop computer, plugging the AC adapter into the power grid when it is going to be used and disconnecting it when it is not in use.

With this new system, the laptop can be used like a desktop computer, the battery only serves as a backup if the electricity from the grid goes out, and the battery can still be used fully if the electricity network is not available, like laptops that have been around so far. The battery also remains rechargeable and while recharging the laptop battery can still be used as well.

Click here to get an hybrid laptop power system design that we made for evaluation. The terms and conditions are only evaluating, not researching, modifying, developing, patenting, publishing and producing.

(Since our website is having problems, please bid by writing a comment, for those of you who want more than just evaluating. Our auction is open until seven days from the first bidder, with a price of USD 500,000.00.)


Monopoly Package

This design is a monopoly package. Now we offer it at a much higher price, USD 1,000,000.00. We only sell this package if the non-monopoly package has not yet been sold.